With Few Clicks Get Your Tweets on Google Search

In travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

Have you ever thought that you could have your tweets appear on Google’s Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs)? Do you think that this could be of any advantage to you? Is it worth all the hassle in the world? Well folks, here’s a fun fact for you: Google, the biggest search engine on the world wide web, has commenced indexing tweets. The below mentioned infographic compiled by Dustin Stout portrays the methodologies by which one can get his/her tweets to appear in the SERPs.

We all know that if one wants to get access to the latest and hottest news doing rounds in the social as well as mainstream media, Twitter is definitely the place to have a look into. In consonance with Twitter’s great attribute of presenting hot news, Google’s actual purpose in indexing tweets is to treat the Googlers with more breaking news alerts.

Here’s a quick question: would you not be interested in getting your tweets appear in the search results now?
As a matter of fact, you can have a look at the number of tweets related to your profile that are indexed by Google by simply searching for your Twitter profile in Google search bar. For example,

Twitter Profile:


Has around 140 tweets indexed. Do you have any idea about yours? Check yours by typing exactly same as above line, at end just put your username instead of webhostingcube

Now, go through the infographic. Some of the parameters might not be under your control or it might not be easy to get on top of them straight away. For example, it won’t be possible for you to get about a million followers in a day or two or even get a few backlinks to your tweets. However, I believe that there are a couple of variables that can be brought under one’s control:

  1. Include Images
  2. Include Hashtags

Remember that every tweet that you post on Twitter pointing to your blog post, should contain a relevant image. In fact, your tweets should almost invariably contain images at all costs even if you have to spend an extra minute or two for searching the required image. Check the following Infographic


Now, you know how useful your tweets with hashtags and images can be. Start posting tweets with hashtags and pictures and get them featured on Google!

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